
Thursday 28 February 2013


I haven't blogged in a while,not by choice, I guess since the whole Oscar Pistorius story broke, it took the whole of SA by storm and in utter disbelieve we now sit with our beloved 'Blade Runner' out on R 1 million rand bail...yes R 1 million rand bail (it seems when your pockets run over with wealth anything is up for sale)
As the nation tries to slowly move on, despite the media's feeding frenzy over the Reeva/Oscar 'Tragic love' story
I certainly am...I literally had enough of this saga...for the time being that I'm taking a back seat and watching this circus play our before eyes...

As the nation awaits the anticipated trial of South Africa's "fallen hero" which takes place on the June the 4th, I'll carefully monitor the news and update you fellow peeps as more riveting stories unfolds, at the rate it's going I wont be able to keep up...(seriously)this whole Oscar Pistorius case reads like a Hitchcock novel, insanely gripping, uber mysterious with the truth lingering in a blur of powerful attorney's! The power money brings, and the immortalising fame overshadows and continues to personify despite our inadequacies as a human race...

I say...Judge not - Want not...till justice prevails....innocence remains...but missery stays 

moi for change...







Life's been chaotic and most probably will be since I'm leaving my beloved country for the big, big world out a little fish in a massively big pond I look forward to this new chapter in life...I have a feeling all you rebelle peeps out there will love it's to all opportunites,travels, foreign,unknown,big,sugar,spice...and all those things that make our lives nice...


The bold, the lovely, Nicki Minaj has toned down her look to a more sleek fem fatale type look and she's making it work...literally work.Minaj is releasing a new lifestyle brand called the "The Nicki Minaj" Collection...aimed to give her fans a taste of the main Barbz uber sweet dress sense with a sprinkle of sexy crazy, we so loving her new look...




Rihanna Elle UK

Rihanna Elle UK 2

Rihanna Elle UK 6

Rihanna Elle UK 7

a sneak peek at the interview:

On ‘Stay’ being very personal to her:
Stay [new single] is a story about having love that close and wanting it to last forever. You don’t have that feeling with everybody so when you have it you don’t want to let go of it. I would definitely say that he [Chris Brown] is the one I have that kind of relationship with.

On what made her forgive Chris:
I have my own reasons, very very private reasons. Very personal. A lot of things. Bottom line is, I know him. I had a lot to think about and I had a lot of time to think about it.

On having a fresh start with Chris:
Right now that’s just what we want, a great friendship that’s unbreakable. Now that we’re adults we can do this right. We got a fresh start and I’m thankful for that.

On her gun tattoo:
Everybody wanted to know what was happening in my life. Is she a drug addict? No. Is she an alcoholic? No. Is she a victim? No. That’s when I got the gun. It was a symbol of strength. I’ll never be a victim.

On wanting fans to know her truth:
That’s why I’m posting pictures of myself smoking pot, to tell the truth about myself. I’ve got so much to think about, why bring all this extra sh-t by being dishonest?’

On where she’d like to be in five years:
I will probably have a kid. And I’m praying I can go on vacation for a good month. And I’ll have set some things up so I don’t have to tour for the rest of my life, even though I love touring. I want health and happiness in five years. I want to be healthy and happy.

On Instagram
Well I instagram everything about my life, whether it’s smoking pot, in a strip club, reading a Bible verse – how crazy, I know! – or hanging out with my best friend, who happens to be Chris.

On her mom’s reaction to her naked pics on Instagram
I’m not afraid of any person in this world but her. I’m terrified of her! She called me two days ago and reeled me in about two naked pictures Melissa [her best friend] put up on Instagram – a sneak-peek from a photo book she’s making about me. My mom, she went crazy on me. I was like embarrassed. I felt like I got my ass whupped in front of my class in school! She said, ‘This was like a private moment and you’re just parading this around. She humbled the f*** out of me.


source: The Life Files


 I'm officially scarred....after viewing these creepy looking masks, I'm sure they would make beautiful 'beany' type things for your head....


Wednesday 20 February 2013

Day 3 in the Oscar Bail/Trial continues in SA today...(UPDATE: 21.02.2013)

As the 3rd bail hearing in the Oscar Pistorius case continues in the Pretoria Magistrates Court today, the state's main witness Hilton Botha has literally been torn apart by Oscar Pistorius' attorney Barry Roux as he's cross examined as we speak.
Oscar Pistorius looks drained, tired and devestated as he fights for his freedom in court...Oscar Pistorius continues to sob throught out the hearing, as evidence is layed out against him...

Lead investigator in Oscar's case, Hilton Botha:
Photo: Just to make sure now...

You all know who 'Botha' is?

Hilton Botha is the investigating officer for this case.

Photo: Botha says that the toilet itself is to the left in the toilet room. He says the bullets were fired diagonally through the door.
But Steenkamp's injuries were on her right side. Botha says this indicates that she was standing "hiding" on the righthand side of the toilet room – and was not sitting on the toilet.
The placing of the toilet room within the bathroom matches how the prosecution and defence has described it, but I can't confirm yet that the rest of the bathroom is as Jacaranda FM shows it in this graphic.

Here is a tweet showing the plans of Pistorius's house projected on screen in the courtroom. 

House plans... #OscarPistorius
Plans of the home, brought in as state evidence, indicates "murder" trail...

Evidence of alledged "murder" trail...

Photo: Illustration of the gun used...
Oscar's list of pending guns he's yet to receive...

An illustration of what alledgedly happend...

Follow on facebook live as he drama unfolds:!/OscarPistoriusGuiltyNotGuilty


Roux appears to be trying to get Botha to admit that shots were not fired from basin, bit from the door.

Botha: but three of the cartridges were found in bathroom, only one in hallway.

cries as his advocate lays into Botha over his claims that witness saw OP light on after hearing shots.

Botha concedes that witness who heard 3 shots - then woman screaming - then 3 shots got number of shots wrong.

Botha concedes that unknown female witness didn't specifically identify Reeva and Oscar as sources of argument noise. ws

Botha: the witness's house is 600 meters from the house. Gasps from the public gallery. Roux: do you think that's fair?

Roux: did you ever take steps to ask for other phones, other than ones you found on scene? Botha unravels.

Roux tells Botha that "testosterone" found on scene was actually herbal remedy, not illegal substance.

Botha starts getting aggressive. Barely 20 minutes into cross exam and he's unravelling. Horribly.

Roux hammers Botha about fact that Reeva's bladder was empty when she died - evidence consistent with claims that she'd gone 2toilet

Roux: will you accept that would have felt more vulnerable without his prosthetic legs? Botha: yes

Roux is destroying Botha. This is like watching a baby seal getting clubbed.

Roux: have you ascertained who spoke to after shooting? Botha: not really

Roux: did you pick up the phone and check whether made a call to Netcare? Botha: no

Roux: called Netcare at 3:20am.

Roux points out that the security guard that spoke to on the phone heard him crying after he forgot to put phone down

Roux: it seems that there was an approach to disregard anything that could show a defense.

Prosecutor Gerrie Nel stares down as Botha concedes on almost every ground raised by Roux

Roux: there were no signs of an assault on Reeva's body and no signs of her defending herself from assault? Botha: that's correct

Botha says he couldn't find anything on crime scene inconsistent with accidental shooting version.


Meanwhile it's said that if Oscar Pistorius should be found guilty on murder charges, that he will be allowed to keep his prosthetics legs, governement insists that they do not discriminate against prisoners wtih disabilities.

Oscar Pistorius is adament that forensic evidence will proove that he's not guilty of murdering Reeva Steenkamp in 'cold' blood ...



IO Hilton Botha faces 7 counts of attempted murder

Chief Investigating Officer in the Oscar Pistorius murder trial...

Oscar Pistorius while in court...

The investigating officer in the Oscar Pistorius murder case has seven charges of attempted murder against him.
This was confirmed by the police on Thursday.

Senior police spokesperson, Brigadier Neville Malila, says detective Hilton Botha was first charged in 2009.

Malila says police were advised by the director of public prosecutions on Wednesday, that Botha was being charged.

Botha is the investigating officer in the murder of Reeva Steenkamp, who was allegedly killed by paralympian Pistorius on Valentines Day.

Her memorial service and cremation was held in Port Elizabeth on Tuesday.

Criminal expert, Eldred de Klerk, says this new development on the investigating officer will, without a doubt, have an impact on the case.

Amidst the scrum of journalist, Oscar Pistorius has arrived...

Carl Pistorius and defence lawyer Barry Roux talk during Oscar Pistorius's bail hearing on 20 February.
Defense attorney Barry Roux and Oscar's brother Carl talk whilst yesterday's bail hearing...


Lucy Bannerman (@Lbannermantimes) February 21, 2013
He has arrived. Somewhere inside that scrum sits #Oscar #Pistorius..…
Mandy Wiener of South Africa's Eyewitness News reports that the court is still waiting for Botha to arrive.
While the court is adjourned, I'll just mention that Nike has confirmed it has suspended its contract with Pistorius.

Mandy Wiener (@MandyWiener) February 21, 2013
#OscarPistorius Gerrie Nel, true to form, cracks a dry joke, saying 'there goes my case'.
— Daniel Howden (@howden_africa) February 21, 2013
Prosecutor jokes 'there goes my case' as #pistorius arresting officer summoned
The court adjourns for 15 minutes to bring Botha in.
Nair says he is concerned his plan for the morning has been thwarted. Is Botha here, he asks.
— David Smith (@SmithInAfrica) February 21, 2013
Nel: "He's in the court building. I'm in contact with him. He wished not to be here now." Nair: "Am I allowed to recall him now?" Yes.
— Alex Crawford (@AlexCrawfordSky) February 21, 2013
#oscarpistorius Magistrate asks for Investigating Officer Botha to be brought to court

Prosecutor Gerrie Nel starts by saying he wants to put certain things on the record.
He says it became known to him and the rest of the prosecution team yesterday that Botha faces seven charges of attempted murder. They didn't know that when they called him, he says.
— David Smith (@SmithInAfrica) February 21, 2013
The mystery woman is told about procedure, collects her plastic bag and walks across the court to the exit. Nair frowns at it all.
She wants Pistorius's mental health to be evaluated and proceedings to take place in camera. She is told to go and to take her appeal to the high court.
— Barry Bateman (@barrybateman) February 21, 2013
#OscarPistorius Nair says there are rules and we won't be hearing any app from anyone other than the counsel involved. BB
Nair says he has allowed the woman to speak, even though he did not have to.
— Alex Crawford (@AlexCrawfordSky) February 21, 2013
#oscarpistorius Magistrate says 'we are at an advanced stage. Not in interest of justice.'
A woman wants to bring a "constitutional application" to the court. She is a non-practising female attorney who says the constitution of South Africa is affected by the case. The application "addresses Pistorius's mental state". The judge, prosecution and defence are all unhappy. Both Nel and Roux (for Pistorius) protest.
— David Smith (@SmithInAfrica) February 21, 2013
A female South African attorney is standing up, quoting the constitution, describing a motion she brought and baffling magistrate Nair.
Apologies. Gerrie Nel, the prosecuting lawyer, said he wanted to address three issues before proceedings start.
Nair says he wants to address three issues before proceedings start.
Magistrate Desmond Nair has entered the court, followed by Pistorius.
— Mandy Wiener (@MandyWiener) February 21, 2013
#OscarPistorius Stands in the dock, hands clasped before him, staring forward as photographs file past and glance at him.
— Barry Bateman (@barrybateman) February 21, 2013
#OscarPistorius enters the dock. He stands, staring at Nair. BB
My colleague David Smith reports that Pistorius's father Henke is in his usual seat on the front row. The defendant's brother, Carl, looks "relaxed and upbeat", David says.
The media have been allowed to record proceedings for later playback today. 
Jacaranda FM are now reporting that Hilton Botha and the police have both denied dropping Botha from the case.
But the police will be bringing in a "provincial task force" to "bolster" the prosecution's case against Pistorius, the radio station says.
South Africa's Jacaranda FM is reporting that Botha has not been dropped from the case, citing police brigadier Neville Malila:
— Jacaranda Newsteam (@Jacanews) February 21, 2013
Investigator Botha says he doesn't know about him being dropped for the #OscarPistorius case
— Jacaranda Newsteam (@Jacanews) February 21, 2013
Investigator Botha says he is ready for the #OscarPistorius case, but have not yet spotted him here at the court
— Jacaranda Newsteam (@Jacanews) February 21, 2013
Col. N Malila: "we have not made the decision to drop Hilton Botha from #OscarPistorius case"
— Jacaranda Newsteam (@Jacanews) February 21, 2013
"Col. N Malila: We made a decision to Bolster the investigative team on Monday afternoon." #HiltonBotha #OscarPistorius
AFP is reporting that Botha has been dropped from the case. We can't confirm that at this point. More details soon ...


Tuesday 19 February 2013

SAD day for South Africans...and the world round...

Oscar Pistorius now faces a schedule 6 murder charge which will make bail virtually impossible for the athlete, unless substantial evidence brings about a turn around in decision nearing the end of his 2nd bail hearing today.

Oscar was said to have broken down in prayer while looking devastated as Judge Desmond Nair passed his ruling.

Judge Nair could not exclude planning, in the murder case of Reeva Steenkamp. It was said that Pistorius put on his prosthetic legs and walked 7 meters to the bathroom where Reeva was shot through the door.

Family and friends of Oscar Pistorius held a quick prayer meeting after judge Nair confirms that premeditation will be the charge the athlete will have to face,as the trial continues.

Meanwhile it's said that his sponsors Nike and Oakley have officially distanced themselves from Oscar Pistorius.

Oscar Pistorius shows up at court for his 2nd bail hearing, on 19/02/2013...

Oscar Pistorius infront of the media before leaving court whilst his 2nd bail hearing today 19th February 2013...

Oscar's  brother and siser in court for their brother's 2nd bail hearing...

Media waiting to enter the court room for Oscar's 2nd bail hearing...

Journalists/media inside the courtroom...

Oscar looking devastated as he faces charges of premeditated murder of girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp...

Oscar's dad and sister...

Oscar Pistorius, exhausted and devastated...

A sea of media all wanting to be apart of what is set to be the most intriguing court case of the century...

Oscar Pistorius's father in court to support his son...

The calm before the storm...outside the court...

Media setting up outside court...

ANC Woman League members making there presence known outside court...


As Oscar's attorney reads out his clients avidavit:

: I tried to save Reeva. But she died in my arms. I can't stand how much hurt I've caused.

: then I realized Reeva wasn't there. I went onto balcony and screamed for help. I put my legs on.

: I didn't have my prosthetic legs on. I felt vulnerable. I feared real harm to me and Reeva. I fired.

: I thought Reeva was in bad. I screamed out that the person must get out of house and Reeva must call police

: at some stage, I went outside to get a fan. I heard a noise in the bathroom and felt sense of terror come over me.

We resume with 's statement: I'm acutely aware of violent criminals breaking in. I've got death threats.

: we were deeply in love and couldn't be happier. I loved her and I know she felt the same way.

Roux tells : it's ok, you're just a human being. It's fine.

Roux asks that 's brother be allowed to sit next to him. OP pipes up: it's really fine, I'm fine.

Magistrate: please try and maintain your composure : thank you.n

Nair interrupts court: my compassion as a human being doesn't allow me to continue this.

: Reeva had bought me a present for Valentines Day. We were deeply in love. Oscar sobs.

: on 13 February, Reeva and I agreed to have quiet dinner at home. She later did yoga exercises.

: I deny that I committed murder in the strongest point. Even though I don't have to, I want to deal with these allegations.

: I earn R5,6million a year. I've never been convicted of crimes.

: I have no intention to relocate as I love my country.

: I fail to understand how I can be charged with premeditated murder, let alone murder. I didn't mean to kill Reeva@eNCAnews

: the interests of justice permit my release on bail.

Court will now hear what says happened on Valentine's Day - through an affidavit.

FOLLOW ON TWITTER: @karynmaughan as she reports live from the 2nd bail hearing of Oscar Pistorius

Oscar Pistorius's avidavit reads as follows:

Oscar Pistorius'statement: "I am an adult male, SA citizen and applicant in this app and seek to be released on bail. I make this affidavit of my own free will and have not been influenced. Contents are true and correct. I fail to understand how I could be charged with murder, let alone premed murder because I had no intention to kill. I had no intention to kill my girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. Sil...verwoods property values at R5-million. Other properties valued at about R2-million. I have been informed I have been accused of murder - I deny the accusation. Nothing can be further from the truth that I planned the murder of my girlfriend. On 13 Feb Reeva would have gone out with her friends, me with mine. She wanted to stay at home. I was watching TV. My legs were off. She was doing yoga. At the end of the evening we got into bed. I'm acutely aware of people gaining entries to homes to commit crime, I've received death threats. I sleep with my 9mm under my bed. I woke up to close the sliding door and heard a noise in the bathroom. I was scared and didn’t switch on the light. I got my gun and moved towards the bathroom. I screamed at the intruder. Because I did not have my legs on I felt vulnerable. I fired shots through the bathroom door and told Reeva to call police. I walked back to the bed and realised Reeva was not in bed. Its then it dawned on me it could be her in there. I kicked the door open. Called paramedics and complex security. I tried to carry her down stairs for help. I tried to help her but she died in my arms. With the benefit of hindsight I realise that Reeva went to the bathroom when I went to close the balcony door. I am an international sports star; I will not evade my trial. After the shooting I did not flee the scene. I remained until the police arrived. I don’t know of any witnesses in this matter, and I won’t interfere with any witnesses."


Meanwhile the family of Reeva Steenkamp has attended a funeral service held for her in Port Elizabeth her hometown.Only close friends and family were in attendance.

The late Reeva Steenkamp

Funeral Service of Reeva Steenkamp

Leaked footage of Reeva Steenkamp's funeral

Reeva Steenkamp speaks on her 'EXIT' in life, interview done for Tropika Island of Treasure...


