
Saturday 19 January 2013


As we enter Fashion Week, world round...all we see is the glitz and glamour of a life so surreal...
The model life...
Don't get get me wrong, I love everything about the crazy world of fashion,vanity,and fairy tale dreams...but...what lies beyond the lens, of altered ego's..skeletal frames, laced with champagne kisses..what about life...and the fine lined catwalk of "death"...

 I stumbled across a model's story...
her name...

(January 29, 1960 – November 18, 1986)

Gia's story tells of her accidental fall into the modelling world, taking it by storm...and eventually becoming a casualty in a world filled with..." fake"...yes the product is real...they wear it, they sell it...but inevitably...your a coat hanger for designer clothes...yes money is to be doubt, but if your young girl, naive to the ills of the world...and your away from home...your family "non-existent" while you start working at age 15...what more to do than to indulge in a ratchet lifestyle, behind the scenes...where expensive champagne flows and the underlying aroma of your next but a sniff away...


Gia Carangi was considered, one of the world's first "supermodels".
True to her supermodel titel, Gia graced the covers of  British Vogue, Vogue Italia, American Vogue,Vogue Paris as well as Cosmopolitan.

Her rise to the top was short lived due to her herion addiction, her career then rapidly declined, due to her drug abuse...sadly Gia contracted HIV, which abruptly claimed her life at age 26.

Gia's death was not highly published, in actual fact a few people in the her line of work knew of it.
"In the modelling world unfortunately your just a number... " your the in thing now and tomorrow you unheard of".

Gia Carangi at the time could easily have been the first celebrity model to have had died of AIDS.

Her story was told in the biography movie called GIA,starring Angelina Jolie...

Angelina Jolie plays Gia in bio pic...

A personal Interview with Gia Carangi

Angelina Jolie talks about Gia...

"...heaven on earth
back again
far in between
through it
in it
and above..."

From the Journal of Gia Carangi

"What I'm trying to say is...let's stay true to fact that the world of modelling is not easy, truth is...not everyone makes it...and those that do,sacrifice themselves in order to stay stay no.1"

"The next see a model, look beyond the glamour...admire them for thriving in a world so so's more than just the money, the fame...young girls fall victum to catwalk tainted with the allure the "dream" sells...".


"An extract from Kate Moss's interview with Vanity Fair, sheds some light on her experiences as a model".

“I had never even taken heroin -- it was nothing to do with me at all. I think Corinne [Day] -- she wasn’t on heroin but always loved that Lou Reed song, that whole glamorizing the squat, white-and-black and sparse and thin, and girls with dark eyes. She loved that look. I was thin, but that’s because I was doing shows, working really hard. At that time, I was staying at a B and B in Milan, and you’d get home from work and there was no food. You’d get to work in the morning, there was no food. Nobody took you out for lunch when I started. Carla Bruni took me out for lunch once. She was really nice. Otherwise, you don’t get fed. But I was never anorexic. They knew it wasn’t true -- otherwise I wouldn’t be able to work."

Kate and Johnny
(they looked so good together...sigh...)

Kate and Johnny Depp, doing an interview!   #throwback

Read more:

Kylie - Fever!



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