
Saturday, 1 December 2012

Temps que se tenait, les temps de test ...ROLEX!

Ever since I was a little girl...growing up on the Cape Flats, South only escape into a world of rebelle (Rebel) was literally  the CNN Style Channel...

It opened a 13 year old to a world filled with imagination, intrigue and REBEL and I could freely visit it evey morning, before walking to school...

It's with this allure that I pay homage to an accesory that has become monumental in it's existence...

the timeless ...rebellious ROLEX...

Tracey was...

I was 13 years old...
I intrigued her...

It was's presence

She saw through me...

I saw it's made me want it...

 She still wants me...

 Stay intrigued...stay Rebelle...Buy yourself a fcukn ROLEX!!!

Rolex love

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