
Wednesday 3 April 2013

Today Be Inspired...

In this world we live in it's easy to get caught up in the hype of life and luxury...when in reality it brings us nowhere closer to personal and spiritual fulfillment. So today I urge you to be inspired by those around you, whether it may be at work or at home, a stranger you pass by, be inspired by those that having nothing but life and enlightment,for there lies a truly fulfilled life.

Be inspired..., live your damn life:)

Be inspired to share, to give back to the those that have less, be inspired for once to be yourself and not what society moulds you to be...even if it's just for today allow yourself to be free..allow yourself to live...and not be drived by time, the clock, material things ...for what is luxury if we cant breath and live this beautiful life we blessed with...which is so fragile...and inspired to appreciate life, to mend broken friendships with family and friends,to smile be of a light heart and learn to just be you, the person you were created to be...Today be Inspired by yourself, you've come thus far in life...never give up on yourself, no matter where you are life, the challenges you face now are temporary and they wont break you but make you to be greater than you ever imagined.

It's not easy immigrating to a foreign country,in the middle east no less...but strangley so this to has become home for now...and at times I catch glimpses of myself actually wanting to live here forever...there's an intriguing beauty to the middle east...and it might just have captured apart of me...*

"Find something you love to do and you'll never have to work a day in your life"-
Harvey McKay

"Celebrate all things inspired by your natural self..."

Be inspired by The Life and Times...yes that's us!

"Wise words never fails to cease in motivation..."

"As women(and men) we still fail when it comes to uplifting each other to be inspired today to uplift your fellow sister-women"

Written below by an inspiring young women Siyaam Ally, follow her blog:


Her blog SimplySiyaam:

"SimplySiyaam is my personal Blog which documents my sartorial choices, style inspirations and life as a Lawyer all combined. My Blog started early in 2012 as a hobby and sideline preoccupation where I posted my outfit choices to my Facebook account. A friend and fashion store owner suggested that I combine my efforts into Blog posts to better showcase my looks. I started out thinking it would be a... fun and creative way to inspire others who might be stuck in a closet rut, and have been blogging ever since.

This Blog is not about high fashion, designer wear or haute couture. It is about my personal style, on a daily basis, on my budget. I hope that my Looks will inspire you to get creative with your own wardrobes and be a regular stop along your daily routine."

10 Powerful Life Lessons - by S Ally
by Siyaam Ally on Thursday, December 1, 2011 at 1:14pm

1. It’s the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary.
I believe this to be true and have experienced this with my own family. When I think of the times where we laughed the most or had the most fun – it was when we were doing the simplest things. Sharing a delicious meal at the dinner table, playing with Alia & RiRi, playing a board game, or spending Eid day together – all simple things making up the best times we’ve had as a Family.

2. There is nothing to hold you back, except yourself.
There is only one question to ask yourself here: “What would you do if you were not afraid?” Think about it.

3.  There is only one way to learn, and that is through action.
Trying to learn without doing is like trying to lose weight by watching someone else exercise. It’s just not going to work. We are all fundamentally hands-on learners.

4. Trust your gut (or Learn to recognize omens, and follow them.)
Many times our subconscious has already made a decision before we’ve caught up and made the same decision. Sometimes we don’t make the same decision and then ‘something does not feel right’ or there is a persistent nagging that bothers us. Trust your gut – it may be more accurate than you think.

5. Follow your dreams.
There are many of us who dream our dreams without ever actually realizing any of them. For whatever reason we get locked in a “dream state” and never take action. We analyze too much and our dreams turn into giant mountains in our imagination that seem impossible to climb. As a result, we never learned that foreign language we’ve always wanted to learn, or traveled, or started that business, or written that book. Just think of the many bestsellers that would have been, but were never written.

6.  Know what you want.
Set goals and make a plan to achieve them. It’s like the saying, “a goal that is never written down is nothing but a New Year’s resolution” – and we all know what happens to New Year’s resolutions.

7. Make a decision and dive in with massive action.
The river of life will take you to places that you have never imagined. Once you make a decision, take action. You’ll be surprised to find where it will lead!

8. Move on – always look forward.
It’s ok to look back once in a while, but don’t live in the past. You can visit “pity city” for a short time, but after a while you have to leave it all behind and keep walking !

9. You will encounter obstacles and take detours while realizing your dreams.
As you strive to achieve your dreams, you can count on there being some setbacks and disappointments. Don’t get discouraged, the road to your dreams may not be an easy one. Think of these challenges as tests of persistence and courage that life throws at you during your quest. They were necessary and were meant to help you grow as a person.
Learn to adjust the sails of your life to unpredictable winds, while keeping your focus clear on your destination.

10. Don’t fear the unknown.
As long as you’re resourceful and have a few skills, you’ll be able to provide for yourself (and your family). Have confidence in yourself at all times.

Good fashion sense is always inspiring!
Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day
Follow the blog: Camille Over The Rainbow

So true...let's live by it starting today...

Photo: "Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony." -Thomas Merton
"You can do anything you put your mind and heart to..."

"Told you so...lets all laugh more man ...why not...? Why should we all bullshitty and serious all the time..."

"Believe it, it's live it..."

Some helpful tips:

"Be inspired through yoga or any physical activity that keeps your mind, body and soul healthy"

"This affects us all...wise words..."

"So funny...lets practice some poses..."


"A mothers loves, never is consistent...a powerful, deeply nourishing love...lets be inspired to respect all life forms,even those from the animal kingdom...for we are all God's creatures"

Vicky Sampson sings: "My African Dream"
Be inspired...



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